I’ve been walking

Since just before Lockdown my basic level of activity had dropped. With the changes of jobs as well it has got lower and lower. As I used to walk to and from work.

Working from home has been a blessing and a curse. The blessing being the flexibility it brings to my dyslexia and curse being I could do less than a 100 steps in a day.

So recently I’ve been making more of an effort to walk everyday. When my perimenopause journey kicked in I would wake up with joint pain. So I would lie there until the pain passed enough to move. Then I would do nothing else.

Then I came across a book called ‘Do Walk’ by Libby DeLana. I listened to the book it sparked an interest, but still did nothing. I also started listening to the podcast ‘This Morning Walk’ which covered some of the benefits of walking which weren’t physical and mental as well as being present. There is also the hashtag on Instagram where people from all over the world document their walk.

When I started writing this post in 2022, I was positively embracing walking. Then, a few weeks later, it stopped.

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