Uncertainty, in the presence of vivid hopes and fears, is painful, but must be endured if we are to live without the support of comforting fairy tales.

Nik thanks for sharing your account of cancer, sharing this is the least I can do.

Bad To The Bone

The above passage from a book called ‘A History of Western Philosophy’ by Bertrand Russell jumped straight out at me as I scanned across the pages. I recall being half way through a seventy-two-hour chemotherapy cycle, I was bored, pissed off and was just doing my best to pass the time when I was stopped in my tracks by this passage. For some reason those words had evoked a sense of calm amidst a whirlwind of frustration and anger.

My name is Nikky Gibbons, I’m thirty-two and have had to battle cancer twice in the last five years. One thing to note is that I’m not usually very open or forthcoming when it comes to expressing my feelings or sharing my experiences. But it had been pointed out to me that I had been through a fair bit the past five years and by sharing my story I hope…

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